Week 5 To-Dos

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Week 5 Objectives

(1) critique your team's chosen paper
(2) prepare for presentation
(3) start an Overleaf project

Week 5 To-Dos

1. Paper Critique
Read the paper that your team selected which employs "Field Study" as a methodology, and provide a critique of the paper based on the rubric that you created last week. While reading the paper, if you think of changes to make to your rubric, please feel free to do so! Use this template to create the paper critique. You can add this critique to the critique Google Doc that is already pinned to your team's private channel.

2. Prepare for Presentation
If you are presenting this week, you will create a presentation based on the paper critique. Your presentation should (1) summarize the objectives, methodologies and key findings of the paper, (2) describe the rubric that you created last week, (3) provide a critique of your team's chosen paper based on your rubric. Your presentation should be 20 minutes long, followed by a 10 minute class discussion, and have at most 20 slides. Before the presentation (i.e., by 10am Thursday Feb 11), post your presentation slides on the #presentations Slack channel.

If you are not presenting this week, you must attend the presentation. During the discussion, students will be asked to reflect on and discuss the differences in the rubrics or the critique process amongst different teams.

3. Start an Overleaf Project

All of the project writeups will be done in an evolving paper draft on Overleaf. This week, start an Overleaf project with this two-column ACM paper template. Turn link sharing on (click Share->Turn on Link Sharing), and pin the link to your Overleaf project on your team's private channel. Create a file inside the Overleaf project called sketch.tex (following the format of the ACM template). This is the 1-page project sketch which is due a few weeks from now on Feb 26. Start translating the ideas from your brainstorming on Google doc into this project sketch writeup.

Due Friday Feb 12
● complete paper critique on Google doc.
● pin the link to the Overleaf project in your private team Slack channel.

Due Thursday Feb 11 10am (presenters only)
● post presentation slides on the #presentations Slack channel.