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Design Notebook Entry for D7
During the lab, you started creating a paper prototype and came up a test plan. Continue working on completing your paper prototype. Your prototype should still look and feel like a sketch or a
wireframe, i.e., roughly drawn and has minimal colors.
In the design notebook, (1) include screenshots of your paper prototype in the design notebook, and detailed descriptions of the screenshots in the captions. (2) Describe your test plan. Which 3 major tasks did your team want to evaluate? Explain why you choose these tasks. Please note that your prototype should be complete enough to "run" a user through each task.
P8: Plan for Paper Prototype Evaluation
During the next studio class, you will be conducting 3 rounds of evaluation with your paper prototype (20-25 minutes each). To prepare for the evaluation, your team must:
- Create a script of instructions for the facilitator, wizard, participants. For the facilitator, write down a list of questions that the facilitator may ask the user during an evaluation session. For the wizard, outline the list of user actions and the appropriate system responses for each action. For the participants, write down the list of tasks they will be asked to perform and some instructions that will explain to them what they will be doing during the paper prototype evaluation session (e.g., think aloud, etc) and why.
- Write down the general procedure that the wizard should follow to properly respond to input from a participant. For example, what should the wizard do if the participant does something unexpected? How long should the wizard wait in silence without offering help, when a user is stuck at a particular step, unable to proceed?
- Assign 2 people from your team to conduct the evaluation. Decide on the role(s) each person will take during the evaluation - facilitator, wizard and/or observer. Students who are not conducting the evaluation must serve as testers for other teams, or observers (i.e., note takers) for their own team.
- Run a mock evaluation within the team. Make sure you can complete the evaluation within 20-25 minutes. Write down your observations and any changes you made to your paper prototype or evaluation procedure.
Include a writeup in the design notebook to describe the 4 parts of the planning process. Bring your paper prototype and scripts to class next week for the evaluation.
Note: It is important that you attend next week's lecture (week 9, Nov 4) as we will discuss visual design and hi-fidelity prototyping, which is central to the creation of your team's final prototype. I will also describe what is expected for the final deliverables of the course.