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Design Notebook Entry for C2
After the design critique session, all students must submit rating forms. Any student who has attended another team's presentation will need to individually submit a
presenter rating form for that team. Each student must also individually submit a
critiquer rating form for each of the teams that critiqued their team's design (even if they were not the presenters and did not interact with the critiquers directly), based on the design critique forms that their team received. In the design notebook entry, list at least 5 feedback (that you received from Design Critique Session #2) that your team will act on. Describe what your team will change in your design based on those feedback.
P11: Refine High Fidelity Prototype Based on Critique
This week, further develop your app on Figma into a fully interactive high-fidelity prototype, including all the screens as well as all the user interactions, as specified in the user flow for each feature. In the design notebook, include screenshots of the changes you made to the design based on the critique, and in the caption, describe what the critiques and changes are. You will need a fully functioning app for the high-fidelity prototype evaluation session in week 12.
PO1: User Interviews - Prototype Evaluation
As a team, find a user or two---
someone who is not a student in CS449/649 class---to interview. Follow the same ethics guidelines as the ones provided in
week 3, but
make sure that you are now using the consent forms for prototype evaluation, instead of the ones for informational interviews.
The interviews, from this point on, focus on hi-fi prototype evaluation. For this week,
show the user an interactive version of your high-fidelity prototype, i.e., the user should be able to click on different interface elements and see the screen changes. Ask them for some feedback on the design and interactive elements of your app. Were the interviewees confused or hesitant at any point during their interaction with your app? What were their questions and recommendations? For each interview, add a section to the design notebook to capture a summary of your findings.
T6: Team Reflection
In the writeup, write a paragraph describing (1) the most successful work practices of your team, (2) the challenges that your team faced in terms of communicating and coordinating with one another, (3) and what you would do differently if you were to restart the term. Be honest with your feedback to each other and use this as a learning opportunity.
Extra: Prepare for Q&A Session
During next week's studio lab, we will discuss academia, graduate studies and research in HCI. In preparation for the studio class,
individually think of a few questions---about research as a potential career choice, graduate studies or HCI as a field of research---that you are curious about, and enter your questions into this
survey. Commonly asked questions will be used to structure the discussion.