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Design Notebook Entry for C1
After the design critique session, all students must submit rating forms. Any student who has attended another team's presentation will need to individually submit a
presenter rating form for that team. Each student must also individually submit a
critiquer rating form for each of the teams that critiqued their team's design (even if they were not the presenters and did not interact with the critiquers directly), based on the design critique forms that their team received.
In the design notebook entry, list at least 5 feedback (that you received from Design Critique Session #1) that your team will act on. Describe what your team will change in your design based on those feedback. Include any screenshots (e.g., of new designs) to demonstrate that you have made those changes.
PO1: User Interviews - Informational Interview
Find 1-2 users to interview;
someone who is not a student in CS449/649 class. Follow the same instructions and ethics guidelines as the ones provided in
week 3. Remember that if you learned something new during the interview, you can refine your interview questions to dig deeper into these new aspects of the problem.
In the design notebook, you will summarize your findings from each interview. For each interview, add a section to the design notebook to capture (1) a summary of your findings, (2) a description of any changes to your interview questions or procedures that you plan to introduce in future interviews based on what you learned.
Update the affinity diagram on Miro based on the new interview data, and include a screenshot of the updated affinity diagram in the design notebook.
T4: Team Building Exercise #3
Complete this
activity from the book "Creative Acts for Curious People". In particular, as a team, come up with a "I like...", "I wish...", and "What if..." statement about how your team is functioning/working. This serves as an opportunity to share your honest thoughts and opinions about your team, and ideas on how to improve it. Write the three statements down in the design notebook.
P7: Prepare for Paper Prototyping
First, Challenge your features one last time using the two VSD envisioning cards that you chose in week 5. Add, remove, modify, merge/split features based on your discussions of the two cards. Describe what changes you have made to your feature set.
watch the lecture video on "Paper Prototyping". This is critical preparation for the next studio class.
After watching the video, each team member should pick ONE of the 4-5 features, and produce a set of
refined sketches for each of the screens for that feature, based on the feedback from the design critique session #1. You can draw these sketches by hand, or use a wireframing tool (e.g.,
Figma, Balsamiq). The refined sketches must have following properties:
- The screen size should be similar to the dimensions of a typical iphone or android device. You can download any phone templates from the internet, such as this template.
- The screen size should be the same/consistent for all the screens of your app (i.e., across all features).
- The sketches should simulate the intended layout (i.e., appropriately-sized interface elements, such as buttons, textboxes, labels) and actual content (i.e., real text, as opposed to placeholders for text).
- The sketches should be low fidelity, i.e., they should look and feel like a sketch, has minimal or no color, no font, no styling, etc.
Cut out these refined screen sketches, and bring the stack of sketches to the next studio class. These screen sketches will serve as the static screens for your app, and during the studio class next week, we will make these static screens interactive. Include screenshots/photos of these refined sketches in the P7 section of the design notebook.
Important: for paper prototyping session, you will need pencils, erasers, rulers, glue, scissors, tape. Acquire these materials and bring them to the next studio class. We will provide paper and sticky notes; though if you have some at home, bring them as well.
CH1: Challenge Report - Notes
The challenge report, due in week 8, documents how your team has challenged your assumptions each week. To build up to that, record some notes about how you have challenged your assumptions this week. Be specific, and describe the concrete actions your team took to test assumptions. Complete the CH1 section of the design notebook.