Spring 2023

LEC - Online
LAB 101: B2-350, Tu 11:30-12:50 -- Jarvis Tse (j47xie@uwaterloo.ca)
LAB 102: B2-350, Tu 10:00-11:20 -- Alan Liwei Wu (a92wu@uwaterloo.ca)
LAB 103: B2-350, Th 11:30-12:50 -- Yuzhe You (y28you@uwaterloo.ca)
LAB 104: B2-350, Th 10:00-11:20 -- Nabil bin Hannan (nbinhann@uwaterloo.ca)
N.B. All labs are in-person, no remote options allowed.

Edith Law (edithlaw@uwaterloo.ca)

Office Hours
via zoom and by appointment only.
book a 15-minute time appointment with the instructor here: Calendly.

Course Website

for announcements, questions, access to lecture videos (Mac and Windows Slack app).

Enrollment Policy
Important note regarding lab sections and late enrollment:
(1) Project teams are formed within the lab sections. If there are students you want to team with, sign up for the same lab section.
(2) This course has a significant project and teams are usually formed in the first week. Joining after the first week requires instructor consent to ensure that the student can integrate into the projects. In requesting late enrollment, preferences will be given to students who are enrolling together as a "pre-formed team"; this eliminates the need for existing teams to accomodate new members late in the process.