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Design Notebook Entry for D5
During the lab activity, you went through different exercises to brainstorm, challenge and concretize your features. In your writeup, (1) describe your initial design arguments for each feature, (2) describe the conclusions that you have drawn using the VSD envisioning cards (e.g., what value(s) your mobile app is trying to promote, what cards your team chose, any decisions to add/remove/modify features and rationale for those decisions), the revised set of features and the revised design argument for each feature, (3) for
each feature, the epic story and user stories, the crazy 8 sketch (screenshot) and the storyboard (screenshot).
PO1: User Interviews - Informational Interview
In PO1,
find at least 2 users to interview;
someone who are NOT a students in CS449/649 class. Follow the same instructions and ethics guidelines as the ones provided in
week 3. It is helpful to have two people conducting each interview, one serving as the interviewer, the other serving as a note-taker. Over the course of the term, your team should interview 6-8
unique people in total who are meant to be your target user (people who are likely going to be the primary audience for your app). Each team member should serve as the interviewer at least once in this course.
For each interview, add a section to the design notebook to capture (1) a summary of your findings, (2) a description of any changes to your interview questions or procedures that you plan to introduce in future interviews based on what you learned. Based on the findings, update your affinity diagram and consolidated cultural or flow model. Include a screenshot of the updated affinity diagram and the consolidated work model in the design notebook.
T3: Team Building Exercise #2
Complete this
activity from the book "Creative Acts for Curious People". In particular, as a team, come up with a "I like...", "I wish...", and "What if..." statement about how your team is functioning/working. This serves as an opportunity to share your honest thoughts and opinions about your team, and ideas on how to improve it. Write the three statements down in the design notebook.
CH1: Challenge Report - Notes
The challenge report, due on Friday Oct 25, documents how your team has challenged your assumptions over several weeks. To build up to that, record some notes about how you have challenged your assumptions this week. What assumptions did you make? What interview questions did you create or what information search did you do to test these assumptions? What did you learn? What are your new assumptions? How did you refine your interview questions to test these new assumptions? Be specific, and describe the concrete actions your team took to test assumptions. Complete this writeup in the design notebook.
P5: Prepare for Next Studio
Get together with your team to discuss the features again to see if there are any modifications you'd like to make. You can use the envisioning cards you have chosen to help with that discussion. Based on the finalized set of features, decide on how many tabs (at least 4) will be on your mobile app, and write a short paragraph (100 words max) about what users can do on each tab, i.e., one paragraph per tab.