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Designing for Curiosity
Curiosity is a well-studied psychological phenomenon, an important human virtue, a motivating factor underlying learning, an enabler for self-improvement and an impetus for empathy. Curiosity is also a powerful motivating factor designers can leverage to increase user engagement, particularly in applications requiring long-term interaction (e.g., tutoring systems, health tracking tools). In these projects, we explore ways to design systems and agents to elicit and sustain curiosity in end users.
People Involved
M. Alaimi, E. Law, K. Pantasdo, P-Y. Oudeyer and H. Sauzeon. Pedagogical Agents for Fostering Question-Asking Skills in Children. In CHI 2020.
N. Chhibber, R. Syed, M. Teng, J. Goh, K. Collins-Thompson and E. Law. "Human Perception of Surprise: A User Study." In Proceedings of SIGIR Computational Surprise Workshop, 2018.
E. Law, V. Cai, E. Liu, S. Sasy, J. Goh, A. Blidaru and D. Kulic. A Wizard-of-Oz Study of Curiosity in Human-Robot Interaction. To appear in IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2017.
E. Law, M. Yin, J. Goh, K. Chen, M. Terry and K. Gajos. "Curiosity Killed the Cat, but Makes Crowdwork Better." In CHI 2016.
* Best Paper Honorable Mention