N. Bin Hannan, C. O'Neill, A. Maocheia-Ricci and E. Law. LTJ: A Capability-based Digital Journaling Tool to Support Well-being of Newcomers in Life Transition. To Appear in CSCW 2025.
C. Bowman-Smith, C. Aitken, T. Mahenthiran, E. Law and E. S. Nilsen. Teaching Social Robots: The Effect of Robot Mistakes on Children's Learning-through-teaching. To Appear in Frontiers in Developmental Psychology: Cognitive Development.
E. Law and M. Yin. Data for Machine Learning: A Human-Centered Perspective of Crowdsourcing. To Appear in Human-Centered Machine Learning, Editors R. Fiebrink, M. Gillies and G. Ramos, Cambridge University Press.
R. Love, E. Law, P. R. Cohen and D. Kulic. Adapting a Teachable Robot's Dialog Responses using Reinforcement Learning in Teaching Conversation. To Appear in IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2023.
K.J. Lee, A. Davila, H. Cheng, J. Goh, E. Nilsen and E. Law. "We need to do more... I need to do more": Augmenting Digital Media Consumption with Critical Reflection to Increase Compassion and Promote Prosocial Attitudes and Behaviors. In CHI 2023.
A. Debbane, K.J. Lee, J. Tse and E. Law. Learning by Teaching: Key Challenges and Design Implications. In CSCW 2023.
R. Abdelghani, P-Y. Oudeyer, E. Law, C. de Vulpillieres, H. Sauzeon. Conversational agents for fostering curiosity-driven behaviors in children. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2022.
S. Suh, J. Zhao and E. Law. CodeToon: Authoring Tool for Creating Comics from Code with Story Ideation and Automatic Comic Generation. In UIST 2022.
S. Suh, S. Lamorea, E. Law and L. Zhang-Kennedy. PrivacyToon: The Design and Evaluation of a Comic-Based Authoring Tool with Creativity Support for Privacy Concepts. In DIS 2022.
J. Ceha and E. Law. Expressive Auditory Gestures in a Voice-Based Pedagogical Agent. In CHI 2022.
N. Chibber, J. Goh and E. Law. Teachable Conversational Agents for Crowdwork: Effects on Performance and Trust. In CSCW 2022.
K-J. Lee, A. Chauhan, J. Goh, E. Nilsen and E. Law. Curiosity Notebook: The Design of a Research Platform for Learning by Teaching. In CSCW 2021.
J. Ceha, D. Kulic, P-Y Oudeyer, D. Roy, E. Law. Identifying Functions and Behaviours of Social Robots for In-Class Learning Activities: Teachers' Perspective. In International Journal of Social Robotics, 2021.
P.B. Ravari1, K-J Lee, E. Law and D. Kulic. Effects of an Adaptive Robot Encouraging Teamwork on Students' Learning. In IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN), 2021.
J. Ceha, K. J. Lee, E. Nilsen, J. Goh and E. Law. Can a Humorous Conversational Agent Enhance Learning Experience and Outcomes? In CHI 2021.
* Best Paper Honorable Mention
S. Suh, K. J. Lee, B. Cheng, C. Latulipe and E. Law. Using Comics to Introduce and Reinforce Programming Concepts in CS1. In SIGCSE 2021.
A. Vtyurina, C. Clarke, E. Law, J. Trippas, and H. Bota. A Mixed-Method Analysis of Text and Audio Search Interfaces with Varying Task Complexity. In ACM ICTIR 2020.
S. Suh, M. Lee, G. Xia and E. Law. Coding Strip: A Pedagogical Tool for Teaching and Learning Programming Concepts through Comics. In VL/HCC 2020.
H. Chen, R. Cohen, K. Dautenhahn, E. Law, K. Czarnecki. Autonomous Vehicle Visual Signals for Pedestrians: Experiments and Design Recommendations. In IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) 2020.
S. Suh, M. Lee and E. Law. How Do We Design for Concreteness Fading? Survey, General Framework, and Design Dimensions. In IDC 2020.
M. Alaimi, E. Law, K. Pantasdo, P-Y. Oudeyer and H. Sauzeon. Pedagogical Agents for Fostering Question-Asking Skills in Children. In CHI 2020.
M. Schaekermann, G. Beaton, E. Sanoubari, A. Lim, K. Larson and E. Law. Ambiguity-aware AI Assistants for Medical Data Analysis. In CHI 2020.
N. Dillen, M. Ilievski, E. Law, L. Nacke, K. Czarnecki and O. Schneider. Keep Calm and Ride Along: Passenger Comfort and Anxiety as Physiological Responses to Autonomous Driving Styles. In CHI 2020.
A. Williams, G. Mark, K. Milland, E. Lank and E. Law. The Perpetual Work Life of Crowdworkers: How Tooling Practices Increase Fragmentation in Crowdwork. In CSCW 2019.
M. Schaekermann, G. Beaton*, M. Habib, A. Lim, K. Larson and E. Law. Understanding Expert Disagreement in Medical Data Analysis through Structured Adjudication. In CSCW 2019.
G. d’Eon, J. Goh, K. Larson and E. Law. Paying Crowd Workers for Collaborative Work. In CSCW 2019.
J. Ceha, N. Chhibber, J. Goh, P-Y Oudeyer, C. McDonald, D. Kulic, E. Law. "Expression of Curiosity in Social Robots: Design, Perception, and Effects on Behaviour." In CHI 2019.
C. Vandenhof. A Hybrid Approach to Identifying Unknown Unknowns of Predictive Models. In HCOMP 2019
M. Schaekermann, J. Goh, K. Larson and E. Law. "Resolvable vs. Irresolvable Disagreement: A Study on Worker Deliberation in CrowdWork." In CSCW 2018.
* Best Paper Award
W. Callaghan, J. Goh, M. Mohareb, A. Lim and E. Law. "MechanicalHeart: A Human-Machine Framework for the Classification of Phonocardiograms." In CSCW 2018.
N. Chhibber, R. Syed, M. Teng, J. Goh, K. Collins-Thompson and E. Law. "Human Perception of Surprise: A User Study." In Proceedings of SIGIR Computational Surprise Workshop, 2018.
A. Vtyurina, A. Fourney and E. Law. "5 Seconds After: Exploring User Actions with Voice Assistants in the Moments After a System Response." In Proceedings of CHI Voice-based Conversational UX Studies and Design, 2018.
Cartwright, M., Seals, A., Salamon, J., Williams, A., Mikloska, S., MacConnell, D., Law, E., Bello, J.P., Nov, O. "Seeing Sound: Investigating the Effects of Visualizations and Complexity on Crowdsourced Audio Annotations." In Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 1(1): Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing 2017, 2017.
A. Williams, J. Goh, C. Willis, A. Ellison, J. Brusuelas, C. Davis and E. Law. Deja Vu: Characterizing Worker Reliability Using Task Consistency. To appear in AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP), 2017.
E. Law, V. Cai, E. Liu, S. Sasy, J. Goh, A. Blidaru and D. Kulic. A Wizard-of-Oz Study of Curiosity in Human-Robot Interaction. To appear in IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2017.
M. A. O'Leary, K. Alphonse, M. Arce H., D. Cavaliere, A. Cirranello, T Dietterich, M. Julius, S. Kaufman, E. Law, M. Passarotti, A. Reft, J. Robalino, N. B. Simmons, S. Smith, D. Stevenson, E. Theriot, P. M. Velazco, R. Walls, M. Yu and M. Daly. Crowds Replicate Performance of Scientific Experts Scoring Phylogenetic Matrices of Phenotypes. To appear in Systematic Biology, 2017.
(The definitive version is available
C. Willis, E. Law, A. Williams, B. Franzone, R. Bernardos, L. Bruno, C. Hopkins, C. Schorn, E. Weber, D. Park and C. Davis. CrowdCurio: an online crowdsourcing platform to facilitate climate change studies using herbarium specimens. In New Phytologist, 2017.
(The definitive version is available
P. Jaini, Z. Chen, P. Carbajal, E. Law, L. Middleton, K. Regan, M. Schaekermann, G. Trimponias, J. Tung, and P. Poupart. Online Bayesian Transfer Learning for Sequential Data Modeling. In 5th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2017.
E. Law, K. Z. Gajos, A. Wiggins, M. Gray and A. Williams. Crowdsourcing as a Tool for Research: Implications of Uncertainty. In CSCW 2017.
T. Tse, J. Salamon, A. Williams, H. Jiang and E. Law. Ensemble: A Hybrid Human-Machine System for Generating Melody Scores from Audio. In ISMIR 2016.
S. Pan, K. Larson, J. Bradshaw and E. Law. Dynamic Task Allocation Algorithm for Hiring Workers that Learn. In IJCAI 2016.
E. Law, M. Yin, J. Goh, K. Chen, M. Terry and K. Gajos. "Curiosity Killed the Cat, but Makes Crowdwork Better." In CHI 2016.
* Best Paper Honorable Mention